Smartly Sorted

Don't Agonize. Organize.

New York & Nebraska

NY: 516.441.7678 / NE: 402.413.5657

Better Together: Sorted in 60

Let’s be real, people.  Life as a grown-up can be downright overwhelming and lonely.  You spend all week managing chaos: working to make ends meet, cooking for the family, shuttling kids to activities, cleaning up messes, shopping for groceries – wrestling the wind.  Who wants to spend the weekend, alone in a room, trying to clean out a closet or organize papers?

Guess what?! I have good news for you!   Sometimes the best resource for getting organized is as simple as another person sharing the process.  Your other person doesn’t even have to really DO anything – just be there to chat, keep you company and break up the monotony.  So, ask a friend to join you!  Brew a pot of coffee or open a bottle of wine.  Enjoy the company and conversation while you sort through your stuff – Together.

– Denise Boline

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