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The Sticky Note Revolution: Tech Tuesday

About me… I have always been a bit of a note-junkie.  When I was 10, I papered my bedroom walls with personal notes, birthday cards, and cat pictures.  When I was 20 my dorm room featured an “encouragement” wall – lined with uplifting notes from friends, scriptures and quotes I enjoyed and the obligatory sunrise postcard.  Out of college and married, my note obsession took a rather practical turn:  Post-its.  <3 <3 <3  No matter the day of the week or the month of the year you could find me somewhere, half-buried in post-it notes: on my desk at work, on the bathroom mirror, inside of file folders, on the dashboard of the car… I still love them (and get artsy-fartsy ones as a stocking stuffer just about every year from my sister)!

That being said, my life is on the go.  With all of the things I juggle, I am (sadly) apt to forget my sticky notes with tasks, honey-do’s, and grocery lists stuck soundly to the front of the refrigerator.  (Sound familiar?) *sigh

My Tech Tuesday Tip is a handy little app I use to help manage my time, my tasks, and my pile of sticky-notes: BugMe! (I have opted for the $1.99 Pro-version)

This handy little app is available for iOS, Android, and Blackberry. It is a clean and simple way to make quick notes, set reminders, and even SEND reminders via email! My only critical review is that it’s functionality could be GREATLY improved if it would sync across devices (a la Evernote). But for now, I make notes and send them to myself via Gmail so it is easily accessible from any location “just in case”.
I encourage you to give it a try, or (if you are a researcher) here are a few links to reviews to learn more:

Developer Website
iMore Review
YouTube Review

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