Smartly Sorted

Don't Agonize. Organize.

New York & Nebraska

NY: 516.441.7678 / NE: 402.413.5657

WEEK 2: Kitchen Karma

Welcome back!  If you are just joining us for Kitchen Karma Step 2, here is the reminder/link for Kitchen Karma Step 1

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Step 2/Week 2: Sort!
Now that you have taken care of all the unnecessary items in your kitchen, it is time to sort. You want to make sure that similar items are grouped together. All your bake-ware should be in the same group, all your spices in another, your serving platters in another… You get the idea! Sorting your kitchen “stuff” will help you locate the items you are looking for, without having to search every shelf, cupboard and drawer to find them!

Here are a few guidelines/ideas to keep in mind as you sort:
– edible items (food/spices) should live in their own cabinet
– place dishes you use most often (plates/glasses) in cabinets that are easy to reach
– store fragile items (stemware/fine china) higher up, out of easy reach
– group cooking items (pots/pans/baking sheets) in cabinets and drawers close to the stove
– appliances and utensils you use every day should live on the countertop (if possible)
– set aside 1 cabinet for lesser-used appliances
– keep maintenance items (cleaning supplies/trash bags) separate from edibles

Those guidelines should get you rolling. Again, don’t freak out – it is okay to take it slow and be methodical. Plan out your time for the week, make it a marathon or ration out a bit of work for each day – whatever you need to get the job done.

As the week progresses you should start to develop some clearly specialized cabinets… perhaps a bit unruly and hard to navigate for the moment, but HAVE NO FEAR we will tackle the tinier details next Monday, in Week #3!    Keep it up – you are doing a great job!

Olivia Pietrafesa @ SmartlySorted, Providence

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